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Magically Move Around any Object in Photoshop CS5 (Tutorial)

It’s not a stretch to say that this tutorial is going to blow your brains off. In this tutorial you will learn how to move around any object in an image and place it wherever you like within the image. The great part about this though is that you don’t have to worry about how the object is going to fit in the image; Photoshop takes care of that for you. In this tutorial you will see how you can remove a car on the road from one track, and place it on the other. There is a built-in option to do this exact same thing in Photoshop CS6, however, we will be using some content-aware magic to do it in Photoshop CS5.

1. Open whatever image you would like to work on in Photoshop CS5. This is the image we have chosen for this tutorial:

2. First duplicate the current layer. We will be working only on the duplicate layer.
3. Turn off the background layer.
4. Use Quick Selection Tool and select the car, or, in your case, whatever object you would like to move around.

5. Use Move Tool and move the car to the left side. This will leave an empty space on your image. Don’t worry though; we will be fixing that with Photoshop’s content-aware tool soon.

6. Deselect the selection.
7. Using the Polygonal lasso Tool; select a small bit of the empty space. Do not select big areas all at once or the end result will not be satisfying

8. Right click in the selected region and choose Fill. Now select content-aware and press OK.
9. Deselect the selection. Repeat this step many times until you have rid your image of the empty space completely.

That’s it, babe. You have just magically moved an object within your image and no one can tell where it actually used to be. How do you like them Photoshop skills now?
Final Picture:

Posted by Unknown on 4:04 AM. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0

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