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HOT: Lindsay Lohan shoots bed scene with a porn star

Lindsay Lohan’s career is back on track! It seems the actress is over her bad phase and is concentrating on her career. She recently wrapped filming for Liz & Dick, and has started shooting for the sexual thriller The Canyonsstarring porn star James Dean. 

Lindsay Lohan recently shot for a steamy bed scene with James Dean and director Paul Schrader has already posted the image of it on Facebook. It’s reported that Lindsay has apparently agreed to appear fully nude in the movie, which has been written by the controversial American author Bret Easton Ellis. 

However, Lindsay Lohan was not the original choice for the role. Director Paul Schrader shared on his blog how Lindsay came into the picture: “Lindsay Lohan came late to the casting of Tara. I had originally planned to cast Monica Gambee.” When the makers met Lindsay and approached her for a cameo, the actress said that she wanted to play the lead. Shocked by her decision, since the movie is being made on a shoe-string budget, the filmmaker agreed to sign her nonetheless. 

The film is described as an LA noir, and will explore the seedy underbelly of LA life not seen in glossy shows such as MTV reality show ‘The Hills’. 

Porn star James Dean also seems to have struck a chord with Lindsay Lohan. He too has started sharing his experience of working with Lilo on his blog. Here is the still that has shifted the media’s attention once again to Lindsay Lohan

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