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Up in Smoke: Good Sex = Good Life

Up in Smoke: Good Sex = Good Life
Scientists have found yet another way to make people who aren’t getting laid on a regular basis feel like crap by releasing a study that proves those who enjoy good sex will also enjoy a better life.

Seriously, is it too much to ask that researchers discover a secret gene that bestows good fortune on those who get busy biweekly?

The study, conducted by the Women’s Health Initiative, polled 1,235 women about their level of sexual activity and their feelings on how well they felt they were aging. "Contrary to our earlier hypothesis, sexual satisfaction was not significantly associated with age," said Wesley K. Thompson, assistant professor of psychiatry at the WHI. "Although the levels of sexual activity and functioning did vary significantly, depending on the woman's age, their perceived quality of life, successful aging and sexual satisfaction remained positive."

Despite the varying ages that were polled, sexual satisfaction stayed roughly the same despite the fact that some factors, like the ability to climax and function, decreased with age.

"What this study tells us is that many older adults retain their ability to enjoy sex well into old age," explains Thompson. "This is especially true of older adults who maintain a higher level of physical and mental health as they grow older. Furthermore, feeling satisfied with your sex life — whatever your levels of sexual activity — is closely related to your perceived quality of life."

I guess that’s why Hef is often seen grinning ear to ear!

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