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12 things to look forward to in 2012

From cool new gadgets to highly anticipated sports events, 2012 is shaping up to be an eventful year. To celebrate, we’ve matched pictures of Cyber Club’s most gorgeous girls with the 12 things that we’re looking forward to this year.
What is one thing you can't wait for that is happening this year?
Tech: Mother Of All Smartphones

Isn't everyone excited for the iPhone 5? Rumored to sport a major redesign, a larger display and compatibility with faster 4G LTE networks; Apple geeks are already shelling out cash to line up for a glimpse of something related to the iPhone 5.
Books: Christopher Hitchens' final Memoir 

The late Christopher Hitchens will have his fittingly named, final memoir, Mortality published early this year according to Atlantic Books. The famed atheist and writer died in December 2011 of esophageal cancer at the age of 62 but will live through his iconic books and editorial pieces.
Music: Comebacks

There are a slew of albums to look forward to in just about every genre of music. The Wu Tang Clan is back, U2 is set to release yet another album and Mumford and Sons will either sink or swim after releasing their follow up album to Sigh No More. We’re keeping an eye on the rumors of a 50th anniversary Rolling Stones World tour which may see the light of day and are hoping that Bruce Springsteen and The E Street Band will be able to release a top selling album without the late great saxophone player Clarence Clemons.
Sports: London 2012

Even to erratic sport spectators this one is a no brainer; the biggest thing that is happening this year is the summer Olympics in London. Be it swimming, shooting, diving, basketball or gymnastics, the U.S.A is known for coming out on top which makes the games that much more exciting to watch!
Games: Franchise Revival

It’s impossible to choose just one game to be excited about so we’re dubbing 2012 the year of the video game franchises. Legends like Final Fantasy, Halo, Resident Evil, Tomb Raider and Bio Shock are all set to release another chapter which means our Gamer Next Door Jo Garcia will have her work cut out for her this year!
Social Media: Falling Back in Love With Facebook

While many resolutions this year revolve around changing what we share with the internet or abstaining from over consumption of social media all together, Facebook’s new layout may have users hooked to its addicting platform. We’re sure that tweaks and new ways to revamp and personalize pages will come in the next few months, with Facebook's millions of users welcoming them with open arms.
Film: Zombies, Action Heroes and Gore.

While a lot of film blogs are listing The Avengers, Dark Night Rises, Lincoln or World War Z as their top picks for 2012 films, we’re going against the grain and declaring that Quentin Tarantino’s Django Unchained will be one of the best films of the year. Inspired by the 1966 film Django, Unchained follows the story of a slave turned bounty hunter on his quest to rescue his wife from a plantation owner.  Packed with an incredibly eclectic line of up A-list stars like Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Leonardo DiCaprio, Sascha Baron Cohen, Samuel Jackson, Christoph Waltz and Michael Kenneth Williams, we’re certain this film will be nothing short of incredible.
Politics: New Leaders

All eyes will be on North Korea’s newest leader Kim Jong Un, while our daily thoughts will be about the American presidential elections. We also look forward to the misquoted politicians, new twitter scandals and other petty amusements.
Food: NYC Restaurant Week

If you consider yourself a foodie, you must pilgrimage down to New York for the 20th anniversary of NYC Restaurant Week. To celebrate, they’ve extended the festivities to 20 days, January 16th- February 10th, which spotlights over 300 of the best and upcoming restaurants in the city.  As usual patrons will indulge in three course meals, lunch and dinner, at a fraction of the normal cost.
Travel: Isolated Resorts

While the Americas become over saturated with advertising, travelers are opting to voyage to the cities less traveled. Corumbau, literally translating to distant place, is a secluded resort in the south coast of Bahia, Brazil with all of the amenities one would find in paradise. The best part? The resort is so isolated, it takes about four hours to reach from the airport.
Health: No Excuse Exercise

2011 was the year of no excuse health plans. America collectively ditched the miracle creams and headed to the gym to in hopes to keep their youthful looks. And, judging by the results, 2012 will be a stronger, more knowledgeable version of just that. New gadgets will be coming out to help our fight against the bulge and we have our eye on the Basis band, a chic wrist watch that tracks the calories you burn, your heart rate, activity levels and sleep habits.
Girls: Blondes, Brunettes and Redheads.

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