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Haw often do you Masturbate ?? (By FunXsite)

Thirty years ago, we polled 65,396 male and 14,928 female readers of Playboy about their sexual habits. This year we repeated the survey so we could compare sex today with sex at the dawn of the digital age. With the help of Harris Interactive, we collected responses from 8,002male and 2,001female visitors to Playboy.com, the results of which were weighted to reflect the demographic of the average Playboy reader. Harris also presented the survey to 2,310 adults who aren't necessarily Playboy readers, to represent the average American.

Total respondents
Male: 8,002
Female: 2,001
What gender are you?
Male: 81 percent
Female: 19 percent
How old are you?
18-24: 22 percent
24-34: 27 percent
35-44: 23 percent
45-54: 22 percent
55-64: 5 percent
Over 65: 1 percent
Median age 35

What is your marital status?
Never married: 36 percent
Married or civil union: 42 percent
Divorced: 10 percent
Separated: 2 percent
Widow/widower: less than 1 percent
Living with partner: 9 percent
Which of the following best describes your current relationship status? (asked of unmarried)
I am casually dating one person: 9 percent (Male 10 percent, Female 7 percent)
I am casually dating more than one person: 11 percent (Male 10 percent, Female 12 percent)
I am in a committed relationship with one person, but we don't live together: 21 percent (Male 19 percent, Female 25 percent)
I am in a committed relationship with one person, and we live together: 20 percent
(Male 17 percent, Female 29 percent)
I am not currently in a relationship or dating: 36 percent
(Male 39 percent, Female 22 percent)
Other: 2 percent
Decline to answer: 1 percent
How long have you been in your current relationship? (asked of those in relationship)
Less than six months: 9 percent
6 months to 2 years: 16 percent
2 to 5 years: 16 percent
5 to 10 years: 19 percent
More than 10 years: 40 percent
Of the following, which do you consider yourself to be?
Heterosexual (straight): 91 percent
Lesbian: less than 1 percent
Gay: less than 1 percent
Bisexual: 7 percent
Not Sure: 1 percent
Decline to answer: less than 1 percent
Which of the following best describes your social/political beliefs?
Very conservative: 8 percent
Somewhat conservative: 19 percent
Moderate: 33 percent
Somewhat liberal: 18 percent
Very liberal: 10 percent
Other: 3 percent
Decline to answer: 8 percent
Which of the following best describes your religious belief?
Very religious: 8 percent
Somewhat religious: 57 percent
Not religious at all: 35 percent
Should sexual education be taught in public schools?
Yes: 92 percent
No: 4 percent
Not sure: 4 percent
Should men have a role in abortion decisions affecting their wives or lovers?
Yes: 75 percent (Male 79 percent, Female 58 percent)
No: 13 percent (Male 10 percent, Female 27 percent)
Not sure: 12 percent (Male 11 percent, Female 16 percent)
Do you have at least one online profile on any social website (such as Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, etc.)?
Yes: 90 percent
No: 10 percent
Have you ever used an online dating site?
Yes: 28 percent
No: 72 percent
Have you ever used an online dating site while already in a relationship?
Yes: 42 percent
No: 58 percent
Have you ever attempted to contact an ex-girlfriend, ex-boyfriend or ex-spouse online?
Yes: 50 percent
No: 50 percent
Does your online profile accurately reflect your current relationship status? [asked of those with profiles]
Yes: 84 percent
No: 5 percent
I do not display my relationship status: 11 percent
Have you ever suspected a partner of cheating on you?
Yes: 55 percent (Male 52 percent, Female 67 percent)
No: 43 percent (Male 46 percent, Female 41 percent)
Decline to answer: 2 percent
Could you forgive a partner who cheated?
Yes: 32 percent
No: 32 percent
Not sure: 36 percent
With whom did you first have sex, i.e. lose your virginity?
A person of the opposite sex: 89 percent (Male 89 percent, Female 90 percent)
A person of the same sex: 2 percent (Male 1 percent, Female 5 percent)
I am a virgin: 8 percent (Male 9 percent,  Female 5 percent)
Decline to answer: 1 percent
How do you personally define “sex”?
Vaginal sex: 97 percent
Oral sex: 69 percent
Anal sex: 69 percent
Other: 7 percent
Decline to answer: less than 1 percent
The following questions were asked of respondents who've had intercourse:
At what age did you lose your virginity?
Before age 13: 6 percent
Age 13 to 14: 13 percent (Male 12 percent, Female 21 percent)
Age 15 to 17: 44 percent (Male 43 percent, Female 49 percent)
Age 18 to 22: 31 percent (Male 33 percent, Female 22 percent)
Age 23 to 25: 3 percent (Male 4 percent, Female 1 percent)
After age 26: 2 percent
Decline to answer: less than 1 percent
With whom did you lose your virginity?
With someone with whom I had a committed relationship: 45 percent (M43, F52)
With someone with whom I had a casual relationship: 31 percent (M32, F27)
During a one-night stand: 17 percent (Male 19 percent, Female 11 percent)
Other situation: 6 percent
Decline to answer: 1 percent
How long was it between the first time you had sex and the second time?
Same day: 9 percent (Male 10 percent, Female 7 percent)
Next day: 22 percent (Male 23 percent, Female 17 percent)
A week: 34 percent (Male 34 percent, Female 35 percent)
A month: 15 percent (Male 14 percent, Female 19 percent)
Six months: 9 percent (Male 8 percent, Female 11 percent)
A year: 5 percent
Longer than a year: 6 percent
Decline to answer: 1 percent
With how many different people have you ever had sex?
One: 10 percent
2 to 5: 25 percent
6 to 10: 21 percent
11 to 25: 21 percent
26 to 50: 12 percent
51 to 100: 5 percent
More than 100: 5 percent
Decline to answer: 1 percent
With how many different people have you had sex within the past 12 months?
None: 16 percent (Male 17 percent, Female 12 percent)
One: 52 percent (Male 53 percent, Female 47 percent)
Two: 13 percent (Male 13 percent, Female 17 percent)
3 to 5: 13 percent (Male 12 percent, Female 17 percent)
6 to 10: 3 percent
More than 10: 2 percent
Decline to answer: less than 1 percent
With how many people have you had sex just once?
None: 24 percent
One: 17 percent
Two: 14 percent
3 to 5: 21 percent
6 to 10: 9 percent
More than 10: 14 percent
Decline to answer: 1 percent
Where did you meet the last person with whom you had sex?
Through friends: 27 percent
At work: 17 percent
At school: 16 percent
At a bar: 11 percent
Online dating service: 7 percent*
At a party: 6 percent
At a church: 1 percent
At a health club: less than 1 percent
Other: 12 percent
Decline to answer: 2 percent
Have you ever had sex with another person while in a monogamous (one-person) relationship?
Yes, while married: 22 percent (Male 23 percent, Female 19 percent)
Yes, while in a monogamous relationship but not married: 26 percent (M26, F30)
No: 54 percent (Male 54 percent, Female 53 percent)
Decline to answer: 1 percent
Have you ever had sex with a person of a different religion?
Yes: 62 percent
No: 16 percent
Not sure: 22 percent
What is the shortest amount of time that elapsed between the time you met someone and when you had sex with him or her?
Six hours or less: 46 percent (Male 48 percent, Female 37 percent)
24 hours: 9 percent (Male 8 percent, Female 10 percent)
Two or three days: 9 percent (Male 9 percent, Female 8 percent)
Weeks but less than a month: 15 percent (Male 14 percent, Female 20 percent)
Months but less than a year: 13 percent (Male 12 percent, Female 16 percent)
A year or more: 4 percent
Not sure/don't recall: 4 percent
Decline to answer: 1 percent
Do you know the first and last name(s) of all of the people with whom you've had sex?
Yes: 46 percent (Male 44 percent, Female 56 percent)
No: 53 percent (Male 56 percent, Female 44 percent)
Decline to answer: 1 percent
Have you ever had sex with more than one person in the same 24-hour period (i.e. different people at different times in the day)?
Yes: 45 percent
No: 55 percent
Have you ever had sex with a person of the same gender?*
Yes: 15 percent (Male 9 percent, Female 38 percent)
No: 85 percent (Male 91 percent, Female 61 percent)
* 6 percent of straight, single males report having had sex with another male, and 24 percent percent of straight, single females report having had sex with another woman (3 percent declined to answer). Overall, 9 percent of straight people say they've had sex with someone of the same gender.
Have you ever had sex with a person of the opposite gender?*
Yes: 99 percent
No: 1 percent
* 90 percent of gays and lesbians say they have had sex with someone of the opposite gender
With which of the following people have you had sex?
An ex-boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse: 61 percent (Male 61 percent, Female 64 percent)
A classmate: 60 percent (M60, F67)
A co-worker: 51 percent (M52, F47)
A person of a different race (white, black, Asian, etc.): 43 percent (M42, F46)
A neighbor: 32 percent (M33, F27)
A person from another country: 25 percent (M26, F19)
A roommate: 18 percent (M18, F17)
A boss: 10 percent (M8, F17)
A professor or instructor: 5 percent (M5, F6)
A therapist: 2 percent
None of these: 11 percent (M10, F 11)
In which of the following places have you had sex in the past year?
On a couch or chair: 68 percent (Male 66 percent, Female 77 percent)
My bedroom: 62 percent (M62, F63)
Bathroom, shower or locker room: 58 percent (M56, F65)
On the floor: 58 percent (M56, F64)
In a hotel or motel: 58 percent (M58, F60)
Our shared bedroom: 54 percent (M54, F57)
My partner's bedroom: 42 percent (M40, F51)
In a parked car: 34 percent (M32, F41)
Outdoors (woods, park, etc.): 32 percent (M31, F38)
On a desk: 15 percent (M14, F16)
At the office: 9 percent (M9, F10)
Other: 10 percent (M9, F12)
Decline to answer: 2 percent

Since losing your virginity, what the longest time you have gone without having sex?

Less than one month: 14 percent
1 to 6 months: 37 percent
7 months to 1 year: 20 percent
Longer than a year: 23 percent
Longer than five years: 5 percent
Decline to answer: less than 1 percent
The following question was asked of all respondents:
With how many partners have you had only oral sex?
None: 39 percent
One: 20 percent
Two: 13 percent
Three to five: 15 percent
Six or more: 13 percent
Decline to answer: 1 percent
The following questions were asked of respondents who've had intercourse:
How frequently do you have sex?
At least once a day: 5 percent (Male 4 percent, Female 8 percent)
4 or 5 times a week: 13 percent (Male 12 percent, Female 17 percent)
2 or 3 times a week: 28 percent (Male 28 percent, Female 30 percent)
Once a week: 22 percent (Male 23 percent, Female 21 percent)
Once a month: 14 percent (Male 14 percent, Female 11 percent)
Every other month: 4 percent (Male 4 percent, Female 3 percent)
2 or 3 times a year: 5 percent (Male 5 percent, Female 3 percent)
Less than two times a year: 6 percent (Male 7 percent, Female 4 percent)
Decline to answer: 3 percent

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