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Lindsay Lohan’s hot Playboy cover gets thumbs up from her dad! (FunxSite)

Lindsay Lohan
’s father, Michael Lohan, is one cool daddy! Michael is in support of Lindsay Lohan’s nude Playboy spread!

At Dr Drew’s show, Lifechangers, when Michael was asked to comment on Lindsay’s Playboy photoshoot, he said: “If she's happy with it, I’m happy with it.” 
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He added: “I haven’t seen it and I never look at it, any of it, ‘there she is, do I have to close my eyes’. It's a move in a direction where she’s working…so as far as I'm concerned it's a good move.” 

Anyhow, Lindsay Lohan, who has posed naked on a red bunny-shaped chair on the cover page, has given some ecstatic nude pictures inside the magazine as well! 

Lindsay Lohan reportedly charged $1 million for posing nude in the Playboy’s January/February 2012 issue! And no surprises for guessing, this edition is selling like hot cakes!

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