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Crazy Concept: BMW i8

If you've recently seen a mysterious badass bimmer stealing the ending scenes of Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol, then let us introduce you to, (or re-introduce, if you're a car fanatic) the BMW i8 Concept.
This smokin' hot, futuristic ride is one of the first models of the new BMW i sub-brand which starts launching emission-friendly vehicles in 2013.  This hybrid-electric utilizes an impressive dual-fuel system that allows it to operate at around an amazing 80mpg. Combined with the capability to go 0-60 in a reported 4.8 seconds, this car is made for those who want the speed

ENGINE: 1.5L 3-cylinder turbo
HORSES: 328bhp
TANK: 24 litres, diesel
EMISSIONS: 1.3 l CO2 per 100km

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