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Russell Brand talks divorcing Katy Perry, dating Isabella Brewster

Russell Brand called in to the latest live Howard Stern Show broadcast and opened up about his failed marriage to Katy Perry and rediscovering his inner playboy.

Howard Stern is notorious for dragging scandalous (and juicy) commentary out of even the most guarded celebrities, but Brand chose his words about ex-wife Perry very carefully, and refused to place blame on her for the marriage falling apart.

"When we got married," said Brand. "I felt like 'I've just got to. I've got to marry her. I love her so much.' And then while we were married, I thought: 'OK, this isn't really working out.'"

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Now, Brand is back to playing the field and juggling hotties, including Isabella Brewster, the younger sister of actress Jordana Brewster of "Dallas". Brand says he's not interested in delving into marital waters again any time soon, saying he's happy to playing the field again.

"At the moment, I'm kind of just enjoying the freedom of it," Brand told Stern.

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